In columns?

Layout and desk top publishing
The effectiveness of a message depends very much on the way it looks when presented. This applies not only to notices, folders, brochures, etc. A number of rules and guidelines exist on how to produce efficient layout. Ultimately, the ability of the sender to understand and implement the expectations of the receiver – in accordance with accepted rules regarding good layout – is crucial to the way the product is received by the target group.
The module adopts three points of view on layout and education:
  • How does a teacher plan a process where students learn the professional skills on layout that are relevant at a given age? It is not only a question of providing students with some professional skills but also a question of analysing, assessing and producing products for certain purposes on the basis of their stage of development at the time.
  • There are a number of professional elements about layout, which the teacher must know to be able to make good productions, for instance letters to parents, notices, teaching material, folders, etc. The teacher must also consider these when planning, carrying through and evaluating learning processes where layout is included.
  • Both teachers and students must learn to master the programs on the computer that are used for producing paper-based publications. In this module work is continued regarding the planning of readable and good layout. It can be done in the word processor; but a proper desktop publishing program may also be used.